50 Peraturan dan Standar Penangkal Petir di Dunia
Peraturan dan Standar Penangkal Petir dari Berbagai Negara di Dunia
Berikut adalah daftar 50 peraturan dan standar penangkal petir dari berbagai negara di dunia. Setiap standar mencakup aspek desain, instalasi, dan pemeliharaan sistem penangkal petir untuk memastikan perlindungan yang efektif terhadap sambaran petir.
1. NFPA 780 (Amerika Serikat)
- Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
2. IEC 62305 (Internasional)
- Protection Against Lightning
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
3. SNI 03-7015-2004 (Indonesia)
- Sistem Proteksi Terhadap Sambaran Petir
- Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN)
4. BS EN 62305 (Inggris dan Eropa)
- Protection Against Lightning
- British Standards Institution (BSI)
5. AS/NZS 1768 (Australia dan Selandia Baru)
- Lightning Protection
- Standards Australia dan Standards New Zealand
6. CAN/CSA-B72 (Kanada)
- Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
7. IS 2309 (India)
- Code of Practice for the Protection of Buildings and Allied Structures Against Lightning
- Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
8. JIS A 4201 (Jepang)
- Protection of Structures Against Lightning
- Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)
9. DIN EN 62305 (Jerman)
- Blitzschutz
- Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
10. NBR 5419 (Brasil)
- Proteção de Estruturas contra Descargas Atmosféricas
- Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT)
11. UNE 21186 (Spanyol)
- Protección Contra el Rayo
- Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)
12. NF C 17-102 (Prancis)
- Protection Contre la Foudre
- Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR)
13. SS 555 (Singapura)
- Code of Practice for Protection Against Lightning
- Enterprise Singapore
14. MS IEC 62305 (Malaysia)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM)
15. SANS 62305 (Afrika Selatan)
- Protection Against Lightning
- South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
16. GB 50057 (Tiongkok)
- Code for Design Protection of Structures Against Lightning
- Standardization Administration of China (SAC)
17. K 4650 (Korea Selatan)
- Lightning Protection for Buildings
- Korean Standards Association (KSA)
18. TIS 293 (Thailand)
- Lightning Protection Systems
- Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
19. SS 436 (Swedia)
- Skydd Mot Blixtnedslag
- Swedish Standards Institute (SIS)
20. NEN 1014 (Belanda)
- Lightning Protection
- Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN)
21. ANSI/CAN/UL 96 (Amerika Serikat)
- Lightning Protection Components
- Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
22. ITC 23 (Italia)
- Protezione delle Strutture contro i Fulmini
- Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano (CEI)
23. EN 50164 (Eropa)
- Lightning Protection Components (LPC)
24. IS 62305 (Irlandia)
- Protection Against Lightning
- National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
25. NZS/AS 1768 (Selandia Baru)
- Lightning Protection
- Standards New Zealand
26. GOST R 51992 (Rusia)
- Lightning Protection of Buildings and Structures
- Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart)
27. NFC 17-100 (Prancis)
- Protection Contre la Foudre
28. KS C IEC 62305 (Korea Selatan)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Korean Standards Association (KSA)
29. SI 4733 (Israel)
- Lightning Protection
- Standards Institution of Israel (SII)
30. CSN EN 62305 (Ceko)
- Ochrana Před Bleskem
- Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (UNMZ)
31. DS/EN 62305 (Denmark)
- Lightning Protection
- Danish Standards (DS)
32. IS 62305 (Irlandia)
- Protection Against Lightning
- National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)
33. RSI 601 (Rumania)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Romanian Standards Association (ASRO)
34. SN 4022 (Swiss)
- Lightning Protection
- Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV)
35. EN 50164-1 (Eropa)
- Lightning Protection Components (LPC)
36. BS EN 62305 (Inggris)
- Protection Against Lightning
- BSI Group
37. DS/IEC 62305 (Denmark)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Danish Standards (DS)
38. NBN EN 62305 (Belgia)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Belgian Standards (NBN)
39. ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62305 (Austria)
- Lightning Protection
- Austrian Standards International (ASI)
40. NP 4426 (Portugal)
- Proteção Contra Descargas Atmosféricas
- Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ)
41. UNE 21186 (Spanyol)
- Protección Contra el Rayo
- Asociación Española de Normalización (UNE)
42. NS-EN 62305 (Norwegia)
- Lightning Protection
- Norwegian Electrotechnical Committee (NEK)
43. SR EN 62305 (Rumania)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Romanian Standards Association (ASRO)
44. TS 622 (Turki)
- Lightning Protection Systems
- Turkish Standards Institution (TSE)
45. EN 62305 (Yunani)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)
46. EN 62305 (Bulgaria)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS)
47. ISO 6530 (Internasional)
- Lightning Protection Equipment
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
48. LPS 1014 (Lituania)
- Lightning Protection Standards
- Lithuanian Standards Board (LST)
49. CYS EN 62305 (Siprus)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Cyprus Organization for Standardization (CYS)
50. EN 62305-1 (Polandia)
- Protection Against Lightning
- Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN)
Setiap standar ini mencakup berbagai aspek yang memastikan keselamatan dan efektivitas sistem penangkal petir, seperti desain, instalasi, material yang digunakan, serta metode pemeliharaan. Pastikan untuk merujuk ke dokumen resmi standar yang berlaku di wilayah Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih detail dan akurat.
Ingin tahu peraturan dan standar penangkal petir maupun informasi penangkal petir lainnya? Simak terus artikel terbaru dari www.pasangantipetir.id
Untuk info lebih lanjut mengenai produk maupun jasa pemasangan penangkal petir, konsultasikan kepada Tim Ahli Kami di 0858-9291-7794